Solving You Productivity Problems with Evernote


Download Your FREE
15-Page Guide Now:

Embracing Evernote: Your Quick Start Guide

Feel confident you’re getting the most out of your Evernote subscription, and set yourself up for peak productivity!

Embracing Evernote Guide on Phone


This free guide is for aspiring productivity masters who are serious about creating a more efficient and organized life with Evernote.

And an Evernote subscription is required in order to create your most organized digital life. Therefore, to get the most out of this training, you’ll want to be an Evernote subscriber.

To kickstart your journey to peak organization, with foundational tips you can implement right away, download this guide today!

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Learn from
Stacey Harmon

Leading Evernote Certified Expert

15+ Years Personal Experience
Mastering Evernote

Thousands of Evernote
Enthusiasts Supported

6 Foundational Insider-Tips
for Evernote Mastery

Evernote Certified Expert Logo
Stacey Harmon, Evernote Certified Expert

 “Stacey’s skills in providing tips and recommendations for organizing material in your Evernote has been really transformational to me…

My ability to have information that I need at my fingertips
has made me much more productive!”

– Vinnie, Evernote user since 2009

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Evernote Has the Power to Make Your Life
Effortlessly Organized, Productive and Efficient…

If You’re Using it Correctly (and to its Full Potential!)

If you’re curious to see if you’re underutilizing your Evernote subscription… or perhaps you’re just wondering if there’s a way to make using Evernote a little easier…

I created this guide for you! I’ve seen first-hand just how impactful Evernote can be for transforming lives, reducing stress, and putting Evernote users like you back in the driver’s seat of their productivity.

But on the flip side, I’ve also seen Evernote become less of a digital sanctuary… and more of a digital junk drawer when it’s not used to its full potential.

Digital Evernote Quick Start Guide

Here’s What You’ll Get Inside This No-Fluff Training:

  • 6 game-changing, insider tips for using Evernote that can convert any user from a casual notetaker to an Evernote-loving loyalist 

  • Simple and foundational advice to kickstart your Evernote journey and set you up for long-term success

  • Two little-known, hidden features of Evernote you’re probably ignoring (and won’t believe the difference they make!)

  • How to best utilize Evernote for your platform of choice - Mac, Windows, iOS or Android 

  • The powerful keys to organizing your account and keeping it organized, so you can access the information you need in seconds

  • Helpful resources (both free and paid) to level-up your Evernote mastery and put you in-control of your organization 

And even more essential foundations and hot tips I’ve put together from 15+ years using and teaching Evernote. 


Ready to Stop Guessing and Start Making the Most of Evernote?

It’s time to turn your Evernote into the ‘second brain’ you deserve, and skyrocket your productivity! 

Learn to Love Evernote

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