Say "See ya!" to Unwanted Shared Notes & Notebooks


Oct 14 2024 | Issue 13 | Link to this issue | Subscribe

Hi Reader –

While it’s great that you can use Evernote to collaborate with others, when the collaboration ends, at some point, you often want the shared access to end too.

This is particularly true when it’s shared notebooks from an old job, painful memories from a past relationship, or meeting notes from a project you wrapped up years ago.

Problem is, although the owner of a shared note or notebook has always been able to revoke access to the shared content, if you’re a guest of shared Evernote content, it (oddly) hasn’t been possible to opt out of that information being shared with your account – even if you no longer want access to the shared content.

So, it’s not surprising that one of the most common complaints of long-time Evernote users has been that these old shared notes and notebooks just won’t go away.

But – thanks to a recent update from Evernote, you can now leave those clingy shared notes and notebooks and have them no longer appear in your account.

Let’s talk about how.

Note that to access this feature, you must be using Evernote v10.104.2+.

📔 How to leave shared notebooks


Select the Notebooks kingdom in the left navigation bar. Locate the shared notebook you want to leave, click on the More Actions ... to the right (or right click on the notebook name) and choose "Leave shared notebook" from the menu options.



Navigate to the shared notebook you want to leave. From the More actions (...) menu, select “Leave shared notebook”.


📝 How to leave shared Notes


Option 1: From the note, go to the More Actions menu (...) and choose <- Leave Shared Note.

Option 2 (Desktop Only): In the left navigation bar, go to Shared with Me, then right click on the note you want to leave and select "Leave shared note" (this is the quickest option).


Note: At the time of publication on this newsletter, you can't leave notebooks from this screen, but Evernote has hinted they’re working on adding it as an option here.

You’re now ready to declutter your Evernote!

This new feature is part of an ongoing effort by Evernote to revamp the collaboration experience with Evernote. And, I expect many more improvements in the sharing and collaboration experience to be released before the end of the year.

Cheers to your productivity!

Stacey 💚

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