RE Tech Radio Interview with Stacey Harmon
On Thursday, July 8th, I (Stacey Harmon) was interviewed by Ken Cook and Brad Nix of RE Tech Radio. RE Tech Radio is:
A weekly dive into all things REtech related, including guest appearances from speakers of the REtechSouth conference, occasional drop-ins from REtechSource contributors, and of course regular discussions on the geekiest topics in real estate and technology. Be sure to join us every Thursday at 12 Noon ET as we expand RETSO conversations into your ears.

Listen to the full conversation below where I discuss with Ken and Brad my thoughts on where a Realtor should get started with social media, as well as my perspective on modern real estate marketing. Plus, hear a tech report by Dean Ouellette who gives some great tools to help with your video editing. It all concludes with a rapid fire 60 second Q&A where you can hear my answers to burning questions such as iPhone, Blackberry or Droid? Happy listening and thanks to RE Tech Radio for the opportunity to be part of there show. It was a lot of fun!
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